Could this be the start of a weekly blog at Casa HW?

Hi Folks.

So I am going to attempt to write a blog post a week.

Today is Friday, February 8 and what better day to start? I will focus on things I like this week and maybe things I have done.

I forgot to mention in my post a fabulous bikini shop on Kauai’s North Shore, Pualani Hanalei. For Valentine’s Day, the store is offering 20% off everything with the code LOVE20 until 2/28/19 — Visit them here.

Here’s a photo of a two piece I got from them recently:

A woman with headphones on listening to music.

Next, I contributed some money this week to support free journalism for a weekly I have worked with since the beginning of my career, the Austin Chronicle. You can find out how to help here.

Here are my interns, Leffie and B. Rose helping me in the office, they truly are some of my favorite critters in the world.

A woman with headphones on listening to music.

Sending you good wishes as always and see you next week or day after.

